
Erschienen am 6.4.2013

The Future of Bitcoin (Maria Bustillos, The New Yorker)
"Contrary to hysterical media reports, such as this recent video from the Guardian, the Bitcoin-software community is loosely governed not by wild-eyed kids camping out in half-deserted lofts but by what appears to be a rational and sober group of adult administrators who run the Bitcoin Foundation. "

The Strange Case of the Super Mario Bros. Movie (Karina Longworth, Grantland)
Eigentlich hätte der 1993 erschienene Film zu "Super Mario Bros." ein Hit werden sollen. Im Spiel steckt viel drin: "They quickly learn the only thing more important than timing is artful cheating: With the prevalence of warp zones, shortcutting the system is part of the superstructure. As the landscape becomes more treacherous and competition more fierce, they find that they can no longer survive without the "boost" of mushrooms and invincibility stars. In the final stages, they race against the clock in abject desperation, roided-out addicts making stupid, careless mistakes in their frenzy to ascend just one more level. Maybe they find and save the princess in the end, but at what cost? It could be a lost Godfather sequel. It could be Scarface."

Yes, Healthful Fast Food Is Possible. But Edible? (Eric Schlosser,
"Twelve years after the publication of ‚Fast Food Nation‘ and nearly as long since Morgan Spurlock almost ate himself to death, our relationship with fast food has changed. We’ve gone from the whistle-blowing stage to the higher-expectations stage, and some of those expectations are being met."

Untappable Apple or DEA Disinformation? (Julian Sanchez, Cato Institute)
"Apple’s iMessages, however, are stored indefinitely—which is a lot more useful if you’re trying to investigate a crime that’s already occurred. That means cops should be absolutely overjoyed if drug dealers or other criminals start using iMessage instead of SMS."

Hacking the World (Nathan Schneider, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
Über Gabriella Coleman und ihr Buch "Coding Freedom": "In the years since the fieldwork that led to Coding Freedom, Gabriella Coleman has found herself playing a new kind of role: that of the world’s foremost scholar of Anonymous. (…) She has to make sure not to collect data that could be used in investigations by law enforcement—not learning where subjects live, for example, and leaving chat rooms if discussions of illegal activity begin."