Klicks #19
Erschienen am 6.1.2015
The Town Without Wi-Fi
Michael J. Gaynor, Washingtonian
„The residents of Green Bank, West Virginia, can’t use cell phones, wi-fi, or other kinds of modern technology due to a high-tech government telescope. Recently, this ban has made the town a magnet for technophobes, and the locals aren’t thrilled to have them.“
4300 Wörter, Lesedauer 11 Minuten
Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future
Hans de Zwart, Medium
Es geht um Überwachung: „Our relationship with Facebook, Google and Amazon isn’t symmetrical. We have no power to define the relationship and have zero say in how things work. If this is how commercial companies treat humanity, what can we expect from governments that are increasingly normative in what they expect from their citizens?“
5600 Wörter, Lesedauer 14 Minuten
Powered by Movable Type
Jason Snell, Six Colors
„Regardless, it turns out that software can also be considered uncool, even if it still works. Not only is Movable Type uncool—the equivalent of ’80s hair metal, but the language it’s written in, Perl, is supremely uncool. Like, New Kids on the Block uncool.“
800 Wörter, Lesedauer 2 Minuten
My Must-Have iPhone Apps, 2014 Edition
Federico Viticci, MacStories
Welche iPhone-Apps praktisch sind und was überhaupt so mit dem mobilen Betriebssystem geht: Eine tolle und ausführliche Übersicht. Gibt es ähnlich auch für das iPad.
6800 Wörter, Lesedauer 17 Minuten
José Carlos Nieto
Ein Tool für Man-In-The-Middle-Attacken und gleichzeitig Kritik an der derzeitigen Zertifikate-Praxis: „Hyperfox is a security tool for proxying and recording HTTP and HTTPs communications on a LAN. Hyperfox is capable of forging SSL certificates on the fly using a root CA certificate and its corresponding key. (…) Hyperfox saves captured data to a SQLite database for later inspection and also provides a web interface for watching live traffic and downloading wire formatted messages.“
Star Trek: The Next Generation In 40 Hours
Max Temkin, Medium
„It has recently come to my attention that some of you, who I considered friends, have made it to the year 2015 without ever having watched my favorite television program, Star Trek: The Next Generation, despite its free availability on the World Wide Web. I get it. The show is impenetrable, watching the whole thing takes 178 hours. It’s also extremely silly — nearly every episode has a moment when grown men in pajamas throw themselves around in their chairs. But I want to make the case Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) is important and worth your time in 2015, and I want to suggest about 40 hours of Star Trek viewing that will cover all of the great episodes.“ Siehe auch: Beam me up: A beginner’s guide to the Star Trek franchise.
2300 Wörter, Lesedauer 6 Minuten
Technology resolutions for 2015
Bradley Chambers, The Sweet Setup
„Upgrade Your Wi-Fi, Rotate Your Time Machine Drive, Get Your Photos Organized, Get An Offsite Backup, Audit Your Web Subscriptions, Clean Up Your Social Network Accounts, Get a Password Strategy.“
400 Wörter, Lesedauer eine Minute
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