Klicks #26: Contentbots, South by Southwest und Empörung
Erschienen am 21.3.2015
William Beutler, CC-Lizenz BY
SXSW · How to Make Moonshots
Astro Teller, Backchannel
Closing keynote, given by Astro Teller, Captain of Moonshots, Google[x]: „The faster you can get your ideas in contact with the real world, the faster you can discover what is broken with your idea. Seeking out contact with the real world means hearing and seeing things you don’t want to hear and see — because they’re discouraging and disheartening when you’re pouring your all into something.“
6450 Wörter, Lesedauer 16 Minuten
SXSW · Bruce Sterling Closing Talk
South by Southwest Interactive, Soundcloud
Komplett gut, wenn es sein muss, kann man erst bei 8:40 einsteigen. Später dann: „The Internet of Things is about things, physical things that are in real cities. They’re under legislation, they’re in town, they’re in counties, they’re in states, they’re in nations. They’re very heavily policed. They’re not Internet objects, they belong to real territories. So as you create an Internet of Things you start importing these legal structures.“
48 Minuten
Your wifi shows me where you live, work and travel
viraptor, Wild code
„Many people may already know that all your devices try to broadcast your previous connections. I expect that many more have no idea that’s happening.“
1000 Wörter, Lesedauer 3 Minuten
The Invention of the Perfect Cup of Coffee
Steven Levy, Backchannel
Ein Gespräch mit dem Erfinder der AeroPress, Alan Adler: „I began just by tasting the coffee, and I found that 175 degree water made the best-tasting coffee with a pour over, which is well below boiling. But I was troubled by the fact that the drip-through took about four or five minutes. I believe that if lower temperature makes the coffee sweeter, a shorter time will as well.“
2460 Wörter, Lesedauer 6 Minuten
That Way We’re All Writing Now
Clive Thompson, The Message
„You’ve likely seen this style of writing all over the place — on Tumblr, Twitter, Snapchat, Yik Yak, or anywhere that people communicate in writing. (…) What’s going on with it? How does it work? Why do people employ it so frequently? It turns out there are four big reasons why.“
1200 Wörter, Lesedauer 3 Minuten
Der Fall Jung und die Empörung über die Empörung
Patrick Gensing, Publikative.org
„So wie Jung & Naiv nicht sonderlich kritisch ist, verhält es sich auch mit Jungs Posting: ‚Herrenwitze‘ sind im schlechtesten Sinne stinknormal. Was sich verändert hat: Solche Sprüche bleiben nicht mehr ohne Widerspruch. Die Kritik wird dann aber gerne als ‚Shitstorm‘ bezeichnet, wodurch die Reaktionen disqualifiziert und unterschiedliche Argumente eingeebnet werden.“
1200 Wörter, Lesedauer 3 Minuten
SXSW · The daring future of YouTube
Rae Votta, The Kernel
„As mainstream brands and media outlets continue to buy into digital on digital’s own terms, that’s where today’s YouTubers are starting to see real rewards on their years of hard work.“
1900 Wörter. Lesedauer 5 Minuten
We Are All Contentbot
Carl Franzen, Motherboard
„The work of London-based artist Alexander Taylor, Contentbot is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: an online bot that ceaselessly surfs the internet at all hours of the day looking for content to share on its Twitter account.“
500 Wörter, Lesedauer 2 Minuten
In Pieces
Bryan James
Tolle Kunst mit CSS polygons: „30 Endangered Species, 30 Pieces, 1 Fragmented Survival.“
CSS Sans – A pure CSS font
Yusuke Sugomori & Masanari Kakamu
„We have designed letters from A to Z by facilitating the various factors of CSS. Each letter is made by one <div> tag.“
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