Klicks #42: K is for Klicks

Erschienen am 10.8.2015



Alphabet Inc.
Brian Womack, Bloomberg
„Google Inc. is changing its corporate structure to separate its search, YouTube and other Web companies from its research and investment divisions.“ Sundar Pichai wird Google-Chef, die neue Umbrella-Corporation heißt Alphabet und hat die Adresse abc.xyz.

An Undead SOPA Is Hiding Inside an Extremely Boring Case About Invisible Braces
Sarah Jeong, Motherboard
„The most controversial parts of SOPA, an anti-piracy bill defeated in 2012 after a massive public outcry, may end up becoming de facto law after all, depending on the outcome in an obscure case that is working its way through the legal system without anyone noticing.“ And the New York Times Is On It!

The Man for Mars
Sue Halpern, The New York Review of Books
„Disruption ist ein fürchterliches Buzzword, aber auf Elon Musk passt er: „It required a lot of hubris to take on the aerospace industry and the automobile industry and the utilities, but he did, and he is, with precipitous consequences.“


The Unbreakable Rebecca Black
Reggie Ugwu, BuzzFeed
„Four years ago, she introduced the world to the most hated (and maddeningly unforgettable) song in a generation, was passed over by the music industry, and turned into a punchline — all before she was old enough for a learner’s permit. Now 18, Rebecca Black is too famous to be normal and too normal to be famous.“

Virtual reality takes you inside the news from Syria to Trayvon’s shooting
Geneva Sands und Serena Marshall, Fusion
Immersive Journalism ist krass und kann sehr verstörend wirken. „Some people have been brought to tears, while others reached into their pockets to call 911.“

Vine is a sleeping giant (while everyone is focused on Snapchat)
Dan Frommer, Quartz
„A funny thing happened to Vine, Twitter’s short-form video app, after its initial buzz wore off: It kept going.“


This guy created a hilarious, dystopian Facebook
Kristen V. Brown, Fusion
„Kolitz’s Internet dream world is a vision of backlash against the world that we live in today — one in which we hold the power, not our screens.“

Hacker würden „Mr. Robot“ gucken
Neue Serie über drogensüchtigen Hacker mit Hang zum Umsturz. Kashmir Hill: „Biggest takeaway from Defcon: Security community and hackers really, really love Mr. Robot.“ Erhältlich über Amazon, iTunes, Videoload und Xbox Video.

Und dann ist da noch Star Wars: True Detective Style

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