Erschienen am 14.1.2013
No Office (Günter Hack)
No Office als E-Book für alle! „Krellmann eröffnete mir, dass ich im Rahmen eines Energiesparexperiments unseres Betriebsarztes Dr. Hans Mordt sechs Jahre lang als Bio-Batterie für den Arbeitsgruppen-Laserdrucker gedient hätte.“
The Strange Math of Apple's Purported Massive iPhone 5 Component Cuts (Daring Fireball)
John Gruber: „The reports claiming 65 million displays for next quarter make little sense; the reports that claim component orders have been “halved” but without any specific numbers can’t be verified three months from now when Apple reports its actual iPhone sales for the coming quarter. In the meantime, of course, Apple’s stock took a beating today on these reports.“
What is a 'Hacktivist'? (
Philosophie-Professor Peter Ludlow: „Over the past few years we’ve watched a lexical warfare battle slowly unfold in the treatment of the term ‚hacktivism.'“
Soul Men: The Making of The Blues Brothers (Vanity Fair)
Ned Zeman: One night at three, while filming on a deserted lot in Harvey, Illinois, Belushi disappears. He does this sometimes. On a hunch, Aykroyd follows a grassy path until he spies a house with a light on. “Uh, we’re shooting a film over here,” Aykroyd tells the homeowner. “We’re looking for one of our actors.” “Oh, you mean Belushi?” the man replies. “He came in here an hour ago and raided my fridge. He’s asleep on my couch.” Only Belushi could pull this off. “America’s Guest,” Aykroyd calls him. “John,” Aykroyd says, awakening Belushi, “we have to go back to work.” Belushi nods and rises. They walk back to the set as if nothing happened.
Partytourismus in Berlin: Die Basisdemokratie der Bierflasche (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
Jakob Strobel y Serra: „Die Empfänger staatlicher Transferleistungen trinken es aus Prinzip, die Werktätigen genehmigen es sich als Feierabendlohn auf dem Nachhauseweg, und die feierwütigen Berlin-Besucher haben es immer als Wegzehrung zwischen zwei Bars dabei.“