Klicks #32: Surrender at Menlo Park

Erschienen am 14.5.2015

Foto: re:publica/Jan Zappner, CC-BY-SA


Eve Online: how a virtual world went to the edge of apocalypse and back
Simon Parkin, The Guardian
„There can be nothing more serious than the spaceships business.“

Marc Andreessen’s plan to win the future
Tad Friend, The New Yorker
„He’s an evangelist for the church of technology, afire to reorder life as we know it. He believes that tech products will soon erase such primitive behaviors as paying cash (Bitcoin), eating cooked food (Soylent), and enduring a world unimproved by virtual reality (Oculus VR). He believes that Silicon Valley is mission control for mankind, which is therefore on a steep trajectory toward perfection.“

Password Cracking is A Waste of Energy
Don A. Bailey, The Mouse Trap
Über das Hacken von Embedded Systems: „If your system performs a cryptographic check on the contents of root ‚/‘ or ‚/etc‘, and mounts the NVRAM partition read-only, you still win easily with one command.“

Memes are a myth
Jonathan Goodman, Aeon Ideas
„The story of memetics, if anything, is evidence that we need not try to explain everything in terms of evolution, or algorithms based in evolutionary theory. “


Inside ViralNova, the Most Cynical, Amazing, Horrific, and Ingenious Media Company in New York
Jessica Roy, New York Magazine
„Anyone who’s kept an eye on Facebook trending lists is familiar with ViralNova’s editorial approach, mainly recognizable by headlines that both promise and withhold as they shamelessly plead for clicks.“

Notes on the Surrender at Menlo Park
John Herrman, The Awl
Es gibt genau diesen einen lesenswerten Text über Facebooks Instant Articles. „There is toxic mindset that permeates discussions not just about Facebook but about most accelerating, inevitable-seeming tech companies. It conflates criticism with denial and nostalgia. Why do people complain about Uber so much? Is it loyalty to yellow cabs and their corrupt nonsense industry?“

Reddit moves to embrace its future as a media entity
Mathew Ingram, Fortune
„Reddit has launched a video unit that will create custom content, part of a series of moves it has made to become a full-fledged media platform.“


All the weird certifications you can get online, from Beer Judge to Pokemon Professor
Loney Abrams, Hopes&Fears
„Looking to add some filler to your resume?“

Scroll Back: The Theory and Practice of Cameras in Side-Scrollers
Itay Keren
„Some background information on 2D scrolling, along with plenty of classic gaming nostalgia“ und jede Menge GIFs. Toll!

Thomas Jarrand, Johan Dufour und Jérémy Fagis
„A multiplayer tron-like game… with curves!“

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