Klicks #46: Money and power

Erschienen am 17.9.2015

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1. Content wars

Welcome to hell: Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook and the slow death of the web
Nilay Patel, The Verge
„You might think the conversation about ad blocking is about the user experience of news, but what we’re really talking about is money and power in Silicon Valley.“

A new conversation
Anil Dash auf Twitter
„Okay, ad blocking advocates and users (I am one, sometimes!), we’re going to have a new conversation. You ready?“

Welcome to the Block Party. The internet after ad blocking
Casey Johnston, The Awl
Das bittere Fazit: AdBlocker spielen vor allem Google, Apple und Facebook in die Hände, kleine Publisher trifft es richtig hart. Und nein, daran sind die Publisher nicht selbst schuld.

2. Nerds

I created a fake business and bought it an amazing online reputation
Kashmir Hill, Fusion
„The Internet had breathed life into this fake business and people wanted to hire it.“

Deep Style: Inferring the Unknown to Predict the Future of Fashion
MultiThreaded, TJ Torres
Einem Computer wird hier beigebracht, in Bildern nicht nur Muster, sondern einen Stil zu erkennen. „What if we simulated how our brains process unstructured data?“

Even the LastPass will be stolen. Deal with it!
Alberto Garcia und Martin Vigo, BlackHat
Ankündigung eines Talks, immer mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Aber hier geht es offenbar zur Sache, wenn die Angreifer an den Computer ihrer Zielperson rankommen: „We wrote a Metasploit module that takes care of all of this.“

3. Medien

Facebook Tries to Lure Journalists Away From Twitter
Julia Greenberg, Wired
„Signal offers a dashboard where journalists can follow trending and emerging topics, track chatter around public figures on a leaderboard, and search to find public conversations, photos, or videos.“ Solche Tools kosten von Drittanbietern gerne mehrere Tausend Dollar im Monat.

Woher weiß Google, wann meine Katze stirbt?
Konrad Lischka fragt Google, wie alt eine Katze wird. „Die Nutzer haben ein enormes Vertrauen, dass Google die relevantesten Treffern oben in dieser Liste anzeigt. Und nun steht über dieser Liste die Aussage: 15 Jahre. Ohne Quelle.“

Blende-Deutschlandchef Simon Kozlik mag keine Paywalls
Anna Wilke, DigHeades
Der 28-Jährige leitet in Berlin den Artikel-Bezahldienst Blendle und hat im Internet vorher kein Geld für Medien oder Journalismus ausgegeben.

4. More fun

The Art of PNG Glitch
„I will show the difference of the effect that each filter has later on, but when we look close into the results, we will understand which filter is causing which part of the beauty of PNG glitches (yes, they are beautiful) to occur.“

The Biggest Facebook Video Publishers Of August 2015
Liam Corcoran, The Whip
„A year or two from now, we think Facebook will be mostly video.’ Those words aren’t from a video evangelist, or a social media trends commentator. They came from Facebook’s head of ad product, Ted Zagat.“

47 Million Lamborghinis Here In The Hollywood Hills
Craig has Dysentery, YouTube
Digg: „In the long ago time of April of this year, YouTuber Craig Has Dysentery made this tremendous edit of Tai Lopez’s How I Went From Broke To Buying A Lamborghini, and we want to make sure it’s solidified as a modern classic.“