
Erschienen am 30.1.2013

Beyond the New Google Map of North Korea (The New Yorker)
Evan Osnos: "If the maps pique your interest, consider these three sources to learn more."

Diving Deep into Danger (The New York Review of Books)
Wie das mit dem Sättigungstauchen anfing und wie die Branche heute funktioniert. Epische Geschichte von Nathaniel Rich: "The first dive to a depth of a thousand feet was made in 1962 by Hannes Keller, an ebullient twenty-eight-year-old Swiss mathematician who wore half-rimmed glasses and drank a bottle of Coca-Cola each morning for breakfast. With that dive Keller broke a record he had set himself one year earlier, when he briefly descended to 728 feet. How he performed these dives without killing himself was a closely guarded secret."

My Dinner with Andrew Breitbart. Breaking Bread with the Right’s Bad Boys (Boston Review)
Bill Ayers, Mitbegründer des linksradikalen Weather Underground, lässt für einen guten Zweck ein Abendessen mit ihm versteigern. Flugs lädt sich ein Super-Konservativer ein. "And then the doorbell rang: let the rumpus begin!"

102 Spectacular Nonfiction Stories from 2012 (Byliner)
Conor Friedersdorf: "Each year, I track the most exceptional stories I encounter while assembling my twice-weekly newsletter, The Best of Journalism, as well as acting as an editor-at-large for Byliner. These projects afford me the opportunity to read as much impressive nonfiction journalism as any single person possibly can. The result is my annual Best of Journalism List, now in its fifth year."

I Want To Know What’s Wrong With Being An Internet Troll (The Awl)
Ein Gastbeitrag von Henry Blodget, dem Chef des Wirtschaft-Trollblogs "Business Insider". Jedenfalls steht es da so, und im Internet steht ja nur die Wahrheit. Dieser Blodget schreibt also: "What is wrong with writing something deliberately inflammatory, or even hysterically obtuse, just so enough people will pass it around that it goes ‚viral‘ on the ‚Internet‘?" Auf mehreren Ebenen gelungene Satire.